Used Mac 300 | For Sale Item# 48035


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Quantity 24
Condition Normal Wear & Tear
Year 2006
Location Europe
Case Type Dual
Previous Use Touring
Warranty 30 Day


24 lamps in total.
18 lamps in good shape.
6 lamps needs some maintenance.

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What's Included

Dual flightcase.

Used Mac 300 | For Sale | Martin

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K1 Systems Spell Success for Andrea Bocelli Concert

Sep 28, 2011

It might've been damp and drizzly but that did little to dissuade more than 60,000 pop and opera lovers from heading down totheGreat Lawn at New York's Central Park earlier this month to catch a glimpse of Andrea Bocelli's free concert, which also featured performances by the Westminster Symphonic Choir, the New York Philha...

L-ACOUSTICS Overcomes Downfill with The Book of Mormon

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Sound designer Brian Ronan has been crediteddesigningthe sound system process for the production of The Book of Mormon at theManhattan Eugene O'Neill Theatre, which involved the use of an L-ACOUSTICSdV-DOSC array to provide downfill.Ronan was presented with a unique challenge with the sound design for The Book of Mormon, ha...

Genesys Lyte

Dec 15, 2011

With Canlytes Windows lighting software package you can create quick and easy lighting layouts in the time it takes for you to get a coffee.GENESYS Lyte has been designed with you and your customer in mind. This easy to use software will guide you through indoor, outdoor and economic projects with ease. Create professional ...


Dec 15, 2011

The New Standard in CAD ProductivityProductivity. Its a mission-critical component for any industry that creates, consumes, or manages design information. A new standard in CAD productivity began with the AutoCAD 2004 software release, giving users measurable productivity gains of up to 70 percent.*Now AutoCAD 2005 builds o...

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Used Moving Lights

Moving lights, or intelligent lighting as they are sometimes called, are basically a type of stage lighting that is able to move due to its integrated mechanical elements, which go beyond the moving parts that are found in more traditional, non-moving lighting. Automated lighting such as moving lights is highly valued by stage lighting technicians as through them, it is possible to create highly complex special effects that simply cannot be made using standard, non-moveable lights. It should be noted however, that when it comes to intelligent lighting, the real intelligence lies with the programmer of the show, rather than the lighting equipment or any operator. Moving head lights, also called moving head luminaires, are highly versatile lighting instruments capable of performing multiple lighting functions at once. They have largely superseded the use of multiple non-moving lights to create special effects, which required many lights and a large amount of skill on behalf of the operators. Moving lights are hooked up to a lighting control console and send data to it in one of three ways ?? through an Ethernet control (a relatively new technology), analogue control (now almost obsolete), or DMX, (which is now the industry standard). So long as they have been properly programmed, the optics of wiggly lights can be altered in many ways, allowing for the ??personality? of the lights to be adapted almost instantaneously, depending on the requirements of the operator. Typically, moving lights will be pre-programmed before a production and controlled using simple commands, although some more experience operators may prefer to control them ??live?, if they have the experience to do so.

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