Used SD8 | For Sale Item# 47887

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Quantity 1
Condition Excellent / Few Scratches
Year 2011
Location Europe
Case Type Single
Previous Use Corporate
Warranty 7 Day


Digico SD8 Tour Pack - Stealth Core 2

What's Included

SD8 surface in case
Madi Rack 48in24out in case
10 m bnc cable

Used SD8 | For Sale | DigiCo

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DiGiCo (UK) Limited brings together the design and development skills that have helped create some of the world's most popular, successful and ground-breaking live sound consoles, with the digital engineering expertise and manufacturing...

Product Information



The SD8 has all the qualities to become a new digital standard: a console with a superb sound, great specs and easy controlability at an amazing low price.
* 1 x SD8 surface with 37 touch-sensitive faders, 60 mono or stereo input channels, 24 mono or stereo output busses,
12x12 matrix, 12 Control Groups/VCA, Effects, Dual Madi I/O, Dual PSU, 12 x 32 band graphic EQ's!
* Local I/O on the console : 8 Mic/Line inputs, 8 Line outputs, 8 x AES I/O!
* Single MadiRack with 2 x MADI, Dual PSU, 48 Mic/Line IN, 8 Line out, expandable to 24 out!
* AD-conversion close to the sources!
* Including 2 x 100m BNC Cables so no more multicable!
* Redundant MADI I/O!
* Floating-point processing so superior sound compared with most digital consoles!
* 2 solo-busses for in-ears + wedges!
* Touch-screen with fast and easy navigation!
* Same sound as D1, D5 & SD7!
* Super FPGA Stealth technology as in the SD7!
* Sessions saveable on USB-stick!
* Precision metering built-in!
* Laptop bay!
* Snapshots!
* Remote Control!
* Off-line software!


DiGiCo (UK) Limited brings together the design and development skills that have helped create some of the world's most popular, successful and ground-breaking live sound consoles, with the digital engineering expertise and manufacturing resources of Soundtracs. The company was formed in 2002 to develop the D5 Live digital mixing system, a revolutionary approach to both the live sound console and the way it interfaces with both ends of the audio chain. In basing a console around a powerful DSP engine using proven Soundtracs hardware and software, but with features dedicated to live sound mixing, DiGiCo created the worldâ??s first truly open-ended console system, for which additional features will be made available in new software versions. This design philosophy ensures your investment in state of the art audio technology today will remain state of the art in the future. The D5 Live from DiGiCo: science dedicated to advancing the art of live sound engineering. Soundtracs was formed in the early 1980s by a group of recording engineers in search of a better studio console than those available at the time. The teamâ??s success led to two decades of audio innovation and, in 1992, its first development of a digital audio mixing console. In 1996 this program led to the launch of the acclaimed Virtua console, followed a year later by the DPC, in 1998 the DS3 and in 2000 the D4. Since 2000 the companyâ??s product range has been based entirely on digital audio. Along the way a host of new technologies has been introduced, including the first use by a console manufacturer of the revolutionary Sharc DSP from Analog Devices, a faster, more efficient processor than any then on the market, the first (and still the most comprehensive) use of multiple TFT LCD touchscreens, a pioneer in the use of a 96kHz sample rate, and the first to run multiple sample rates simultaneously. This is just some of the experience that has gone into creating the D1 Live digital mixing system, the latest innovation from one of the pioneers of professional digital audio.

Used Digital Mixing Consoles

Audio mixers, or sound consoles, are electronic sound mixing boards used to combine two or more audio signals, before directing them to the output channels connected to the device. Sound consoles do a great deal more than just combining different audio signals they allow users to optimize the sound output in a number of ways adjusting various sound levels, enhancing sound with special effects and equalization etc, allowing for unmatched control over the end product.

SD8 - This is a Digico SD8. From 2010. Additional 8 Channel Output Card. Flight Case.
SD8 - SD8 in great condition.
SD8 Surface - SD8 in great condition.
SD8 - Package of (2) SD8 with flight case and Madi Rack in great condition. Previously used on tours.
SD8 - SD8 with flight case and Madirack in great condition. Previously used on tour.
SD8 - Compact version. 24 faders. Firmware update 2012.
SD8 - Used on various rentals. In excellent condition.
SD8 - SD8 in great condition, from 2011.
SD8 - Corporate used SD8.
SD8 - SD8 in superb condition.
SD8 - SD8 with flight case in excellent condition. Previously used in rentals.
SD8 with DigiRack - SD8 with DigiRack in great condition. Prevously used on rentals.

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