Used iLive 144 | For Sale Item# 46045

Allen and Heath
Allen and Heath
View more iLive 144
View more Digital Mixing Consoles

Quantity 1
Condition Normal Wear & Tear
Year 2008
Location Europe
Case Type Single
Previous Use Corporate
Warranty 7 Day


What's Included

(1) iLive 144
(1) Flight Case
(1) DANTE Card for iDR10
(1) iDR10

Used iLive 144 | For Sale | Allen and Heath

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Allen and Heath

Allen and Heath

Buy Allen and Heath

We've built a lot of mixers in the last 35 years or so (over 160,000 at the last count) and we still get a huge buzz out of doing it well. It's an unbeatable feeling to know that at any time of day or night, right across the globe, there is an...

Product Information

iLive 144

iLive 144

Allen & Heath iLive 144 The Allen & Heath iLive digital mixing console system brings the A & H name into the world of live digital mixing. Long a legendary name in the world of analog consoles, the companys foray into digital mixing is characteristically Classic and functional.

Allen and Heath

We've built a lot of mixers in the last 35 years or so (over 160,000 at the last count) and we still get a huge buzz out of doing it well. It's an unbeatable feeling to know that at any time of day or night, right across the globe, there is an Allen & Heath mixer out there working hard, sounding great and making life a little easier for the guy at the controls.

Used Digital Mixing Consoles

Audio mixers, or sound consoles, are electronic sound mixing boards used to combine two or more audio signals, before directing them to the output channels connected to the device. Sound consoles do a great deal more than just combining different audio signals they allow users to optimize the sound output in a number of ways adjusting various sound levels, enhancing sound with special effects and equalization etc, allowing for unmatched control over the end product.

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