SM20 is the latest addition to Soundcraft's respected range of dedicated stage monitor consoles, and has been designed to take account of the continuing trend towards use of in-ear monitoring systems, brought about by the rapidly falling cost of these systems.
Drawing on Elements from previous SM consoles, the SM20 packs more features into a smaller size than any of its predecessors.
The SM20 is available in three frame sizes providing 40, 48 and 56 inputs into 20 outputs, with the user-friendly control layout pioneered on the earlier SM consoles.
Unprecedented power has been added to the console inputs in the form of a sweepable high-pass filter, fully parametric mid-bands on the EQ, and globally switchable mono or stereo sends, giving any combination between 20 straight mono sends and 7 stereo plus 6 monos. Other new features include a built-in mic split facility, and MIDI control of external BSS Varicurve? or dbx DriveRack? equalisers.
Founded in 1973, Soundcraft first made its mark with the launch of the Series 1, the first mixing console in a flightcase. Back in the early 70's, the music touring business was just beginning - and the transportable mixing desk quickly became popular among the bands and the new PA companies that were springing up to rent out sound equipment.
From what was then a small company in central London, Soundcraft expanded and started to diversify. The company designed a mixer for recording - the Series 2 - and began to build a reputation for great-sounding desks, which is often referred to as the favoured 'British Sound'.
Design and innovation has always been one of Soundcraft's major strengths. Over the years it has introduced a number of industry-favoured consoles such as the Series 4, 2400, TS24, 8000, 200B, 6000, Delta, SAC200 and the Spirit Folio range, and more recently the Series FIVE, FIVE Monitor and Broadway.
Today Soundcraft has a network of 88 distributors selling and supporting its products world-wide. Part of the Harman Pro Group, Soundcraft is still very much the dedicated professional mixing console designer and manufacturer it was back in 1973. It now boasts a range of mixers which are designed for use in live sound, recording, post-production, TV and radio production and disco applications.
Harman is an international company which comprises a group of dedicated manufacturers of audio equipment spanning professional audio, in-car systems, multimedia and hi-fi consumer products.
Used Analog Mixing Consoles
SM20 - 48 channel console. From installation. Cleaned and tested. Comes with a 30 day warranty.
SM20 - Great Condition. Church Install. 48 x 20 Console. Monitor Console. 20 Outputs. 2 Power Supplies
SM20 - SM20 in great condition.
SM20-40 - SM20 with case in good condition, previously used on rentals.
SM20 - 48ch
SM20 - SM 20 with 52 channels in good condition.
SM20 - SM20 with 48 channels in great condition.
SM20 - 48 x 20 Monitor Desk Tourpack w/ 2 PSU
SM20 - SM20 in good condition.
SM20 - Used on various rentals. 48 input.
SM20 - 48 mono channels. Used on various rentals.
SM20 - 56 channel x 20 auxes monitor console with two CPS800 power supply unit and case with doghouse.