Welcome to the Selecon USA's world of entertainment and specialized display lighting
From Broadway to the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts to the American Museum of Natural History and the Frederick P. Rose Hall, Jazz at Lincoln Center Selecon has quickly become the lighting fixture range of choice for lighting designers, consultants and end users who seek top quality, safety, performance, versatility and affordability.
Selecon fixtures are available via an extensive dealer network supplied directly from the Selecon Sales, Service and Stocking Centre based in Maryland.
Used Strips and Cycs
Strips and Cycs are one of the simplest kinds of lighting fixtures used in stage and concert venue lighting, taking the form of a long housing containing numerous lamps arranged along its length, spaced at even distances. Strips and cycs emit light perpendicular to the length of the strip light housing, and are usually fitted with something called gels or roundels (small, colored lenses), so that the color emitted by the lamps can be altered. Strips and cycs are often wired into a number of circuits and hooked up to the lighting board, allowing the operators to control several different banks of colored lights from the same place.
This type of lighting is commonly called cyc lights or cycloramas in the industry, as they are especially effective for lighting up the cyclorama curtain at the rear of the stage. Other names for strips and cycs include border lights and coda lights.
When it comes to colorization, roundels are actually preferred over the standard gels found in most other types of lighting, as these are able to sustain more prolonged use. Especially in the case of permanent strips and cycs installations, rounders are far more common.
Strips and cycs have been known to serve as some older or lower budget venueâ??s primary source of lighting, thanks to their surprising versatility, low cost and easy maintenance. Whatâ??s more, LED strips and cycs are now becoming more common, and these are able to deliver a similar light output, while consuming far less power.